What is NexChange?
Carbon Credit Marketplace backed by Cardano blockchain. NexChange will be a platform that brings environmental asset trading to a new level by providing quick carbon credit creation, sale, and low-risk purchases. Currently, it’s in the final stage of development.
NexChange is backed by Cardano, operating as a Joint Venture of EMURGO Labs and Changeblock.

Why NexChange?

80% quicker route to the market
thanks to fast token creation

Lower transaction fees
due to higher liquidity provided by Cardano

Instant settlement
thanks to automated transactions

100% transparency
because of the usage of blockchain technology
Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV)
Origination of high-integrity environmental assets thanks to Monitoring, Reporting and Verification before listing, trading and redemption.

NexChange Originate (CO)
Environmental Market Positioning Analysis and Smart Credit Blueprint - tools that evaluate and originate environmental assets, facilitating forward sales and de-risked transactions.

Carbon Credit Tokens
By tokenizing carbon credits on the Cardano blockchain, NexChange offers quick, secure and liquid trading.

Cryptocurrency Staking (soon)
You will be able to stake your ADA or other cryptocurrency without risking investment principal. Staking yield will be periodically reinvested into a diversified basket of carbon credits.

Available types of Credits
NexChange will support the following types of carbon credits:

Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
Energy Efficiency Credits
Blue Carbon Credits
Carbon Capture Credits
Land use and reforestation Credits